Wednesday 29 December 2010

Swiss Postbus Mobile Tagging

I thought it was time to revisit Swiss Postbus and see if they have moved on from their trial of mobile tagging, started way back in 2007. And they have. A section of their website is dedicated to their mobile tagging initiative. Postbus uses BeeTaggs but could have used any tag format.

Mobile tagging has been implemented in and around the capital city Bern and in West Switzerland. Snapping the tag at a bus stop provides timetable information about the routes from the stop you are at, including the next buses expected.

This is a great use of mobile tagging. It adds real value for travellers and costs operating companies significantly less than putting up expensive digital displays at stops or even displaying and regularly replacing paper timetable posters at each stop.

Trust the Swiss to recognize how to leverage a technology to deliver greater efficiency.


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