Wednesday 29 December 2010

Apple iPhone 3GS - Where's the Tag Reader?

Can't see any evidence of a tag reader being shipped out of the box with the new Apple iPhone 3GS - but I'd love to be corrected.

Personally I wonder if the future of mobile tagging isn't far too important to both mobile phone manufacturers and carriers to leave to third parties? Perhaps the reason that Apple hasn't shipped a tag reader is that it wants to provide it's own tag format, reader and tag management app. That way it has the kind of control over mobile tagging that it likes to have. It would hardly be difficult to do.

If anyone has heard anything about Apple developing their own tag format or licensing those of others, please comment.

(NB. I'm aware that lots of tag readers, including Microsoft's, run on the iPhone - and that Microsoft recently announced support for iPhone OS 3).


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