Wednesday 29 December 2010

Possibly something interesting for Dot Tel domain owners?: James Carter's Mobile Barcoder add-on for Firefox.

Know how it is when you want to get home from work but have just found an interesting site/page - like this one - that you'd like to follow-up on your mobile and you can't be bothered to type the URL into your mobile browser and bookmark it before you leave?

Well that's a problem that James Carter's Mobile Barcoder add-on for Firefox solves for you. You install the add-on into your browser and it generates a QR Code for the current page you are on (or all pages in your cureent set of tabbed pages). You snap the QR Code with your mobile before you leave work and voila! you have the page on your mobile to bookmark now or view later.

Mobile Barcoder puts a tiny icon in the footer bar of your browser. When you hover over the icon the QR Code generated for the current page URL pops up so you can snap it. You can also set the type of code (QR or Datamatrix) and size of code displayed. I don't excpect it will be long before James exploits the MS Tag API so he can offers this tag format as another option.


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