QR-Codes of web links, must only be of mobile web links.
But by providing a Dot Tel domain web link, you can also provide non-mobile friendly web links.
I therefore recommend to have a landing page, only with two main folders: Named:
--> mobile web sites
--> non-mobile web sites
The scanned Dot Tel web link, can be bookmarked on the mobile phone.
The two folder start page, allows you to only choose mobile sites on your mobile, but to transfer the non-mobile data to a desktop computer.
The two folder system quasi splits your Dot Tel domain into two parts. Like two partititions on a hard disk drive.
Subdoimains should be moved manually to other folders.
Always create subfolders outside to the two main folders, and then move them to the main folders (shorter string, etc.).
Without such a two folder system, opening a Dot Tel domain via a QR-Code, could become quite annoying. Because clicking on a non mobile friendly web link... , well, you know...
Yes, beause, at that moment, you are on your mobile smart phone, and you want nothing else, than a nice experience with mobilized web content.
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