QR-Code info can quasi enter into a niche within communications:
JuicyPizza Company:
Created a QR-Code for the „Pizza of the Day“ Internet mobile (got to be mobile...) sub-domain info page of its restaurant. But hasn't displayed it yet.
Big question: WHERE DO I DISPLAY THIS (....) CODE?
Answer: Somewhere, where there is traffic, and people around, before, and during lunch time.
Another big question: MUST I CREATE A NEW CODE, EVERY DAY?
Answer: No, dummy: It is fine, to have a code from that web link, and update your web content daily.
Ok: So what happens?:
The code gets displayed in the appropriate size / format, on a billboard.
„What is it all about, I don't get it!“
Listen: Consumers wan't to be able to make decisions upon sufficiant information provided to them, which is easy accessable, on the go.
Randomly displayed codes are ideal, and meet the demand of the modern consumer and smart phone user (addict):
Get short (and useful) information (Twitter concept..., by the way..., but not Twitter...), for making your daily routine decissions, for food, shelter, learning, administration, transportation, communication, entertainment, enjoyment, health, time saving, money saving, money spending, economy, information (news, bargains, etc.), and so on.
Where else, but not here, can the QR-Code exactly meet the need for such updated daily info for consumers?
Bingo! Thank you.
Nexence encouragé par Oséo pour la création de nouvelles solutions
Suite à une demande de financement, *Nexence* a appris avec joie qu’*Oséo*,
l’entreprise d’aide au financement des PME, lui accordait une
subvention Inno...
12 years ago
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