Do you have a text message, or contact info, or a web site, you would like to share on mobile devices?: Simply implement your own generated QR-Code into the speech bubble (shorten URL with, in order to get a smaller code, that fits in, and is better readable in the small format, and publish online, or print print the bubble on stickers, cards, brochures, flyers, posters, and so on.
You can generate a QR-Code at: It's all there, and its truly a no-brainer.
Its mobile, its simple, its scanable from any screen, as well (TV screen, PC screen, laptop screen, mobile phone display/screen, any monitor screen, simply, from any screen).
Or, if you want a wrapper, a bit more .tel specific, try this one:
Why is this message in QR code?: Because it is addressed to smart phone users, or users, even with an old phone camera, that is updated with the right software (code reader, that is compliant with their phone brand and model).
Any old camera phone can be enabled to scan QR codes.
The big advantage, of scanning such coded text, is that you can scan now, but read later, any time, when you have more time. Or you take the invitation to scan, because you have a phone at hand, that can store all sorts of contact info, such as web links, as well. You can even have it put directly into your mobile phone/address book, if I am right. Who wants to note, or even type a web site link, while on the go? Scanning is faster, easyer, less time consuming.
This is why these type of messages get read, nevertheless, whereas ordinary text, may get ignored. Bingo, mate! You've got it! :) Big smile... from me.
People used to read all sorts of adverts and info, on the go, from posters and billboards, but when the got home, they had forgotten, either all, or most of it. However, in a relaxed athmosphere, at home: you can settle down, relax, and read some fresh info and content, then you can be sure to be able to memorize that info, better, than when you are a bit in a stressful situation, with all the traffic and pedestrians out there, to keep an eye on, as well.
(Another thing: If you do texting on a mobile phone: Never do it when you are driving a car. It is bad enough, when people phone while driving, and due to less alertness, they don't stop in front of the crosswalk / pedestrian crossing...
It is very sad: but mostly, when I happen to take a look at those drivers, often behind shaded dark glass, as well, they happen to be chatting on ther mobile phone, and nearly just overrun me, with their car...)
Where communiction gets real, .Tel gets big. Simply use it.
Grab it, use it, it is there, it is yours, it works. You are already ready, while your competitors will need a while to get updated, educated, purchase domains, web space, give orders to web designers and web masters, and so on. Their mobile site, will be a building site, for quite a while (example: The Bank of the Canton of Geneva, Switzerland, has a Dot Mobi (.mobi), and had been online, in an unfinished state, since about two years, at lest, now, it is still online, but only showing a blanc page.)
Whereas, you, have a Dot Tel domain, which is mobile ready, right out of the box. Which means, that you can already get started, start working, and gain some valuable experience. To be, once more, a few steps ahead of your competitors.
If it is too much trouble: Make your main webs sites later. No worries. But you are already online, get found, and are already branding your website name, brand, product, and so on.
It is often much more difficult to start off with a heavy website, that has to start off in "nowhere Google land", on page 27, to move slowly foreward to page 15, but taking ages to move on, and often making you frustrated.
If you do marketing for your .Tel domain, you can be sure, that your .tel will move fast, that all your pictures on your promo-blogs, as welll as your .tel sub-domain header pictures get shown and seen in Google Search Images. Every endeavour with a .Tel, carries fruits, within reasonable time.
If you wan't to move fast, and want to create a lot of interactivety, in Internet, than a Dot Tel domain, is the right domain extension for you.
A lot of people may not know, but .Tel is a really great SEO booster, if you start getting a bit familiar with it, and can build in .Tel into your web strategies. Like the a balance spring in a Swiss precision watch movement.
Bingo! You got it once more, mate. Big smile from me... You scored a total of 100 points. Only kidding... But why not send a little present, after getting 500 bonus points? Cheers. Stay tuned, and make some fantastic business.
Nexence encouragé par Oséo pour la création de nouvelles solutions
Suite à une demande de financement, *Nexence* a appris avec joie qu’*Oséo*,
l’entreprise d’aide au financement des PME, lui accordait une
subvention Inno...
12 years ago
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