In order to save the forrests, print media, which is responisible for destroying the environment, and for global warming, and killing animals that used to live in forrests, will be shifting towards web media. Interet, because of its need for server capacity, which need a lot of cooling, partly causes, but also will be reducing global warming at the same time by replacing print media.
The usage of QR-Codes in fashion magazines, within the fasion world, will not bring us any benefit.
Printed fashion magazines, are a big killer of environement, nature and endangered species. These magazines are killers.
Web media, is much more important, than you where able to imagine and understand.
Anyone working with web media, is saving trees, forrests, anmials lives, and the lives of human beings.
But if print media helps to distribute QR-Codes for good and green causes, than it is helping to save the environement, and make it sustainable. Instead of having to cut trees for getting paper produced in paper factories.
The whole problem, is a lot more serious, as we could imagine.
If you will be looking for an expanaition for a big shift of print media towards web media, than the reduction of paper production, for the sake of nature saving, will be the major reason.
Using web media, is therefore a lot better than you probably think.
Now you may say, "fine, but I hate to site hours and hours behind the computer". I understand, but you should only replace the hours of your time you previously had spent with print media, and add it to your daily Internet routine.
Print media, will be pointing to web media, anyway, through QR-Codes.
In a nutshell: Only Internet can truly save the world.
Print media may know, how destructive it is, but seems to be ignorant to a certain extent.
I admit, that it is often nicer to look at a magazie or news paper. But we will have no other choice, than to change our habits and routines, and getting more of the informatin from Internet, instead of papers and magazines on paper.
Another good thing, will be, that there will be a lot less paper, waiting to be recycled.
You may complain and argue against the Dot Tel Internet domain, and its registry, but the Dot Tel domain, in fact, is doing a lot more positive things, than is seen. The importance of this domain is much higher than any non-mobile domain.
Desktop computing is good, but mobile computing is much better.
Newspapers and magazines, are so bad. The paper industry is very bad. Paper kills. But I want to live.
Live and let live, and do not destroy nature and rain forrests.
Nexence encouragé par Oséo pour la création de nouvelles solutions
Suite à une demande de financement, *Nexence* a appris avec joie qu’*Oséo*,
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subvention Inno...
12 years ago
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