Looking at the early days of Dot Tel promotion, I remember such things, as:
--> Single first names (Ben, Henry, Justin, Emma, etc.)
This is not really addressing maintream. And I hadn't seen any proper mainstream endeavours, so far, elswhere, from the registry.
Perhaps, the „small businesses approach“ or:
--> „Smalco“ and „Largco“ (or Larco?)
should of been an attempt to go mainstream?
But that didn't work. Some small businesses discovered .Tel without any promo from the registry. Because they „got it“.
And so, in the past, there was simply nothing done, for a „mainstream Dot Tel domain“. Nothing at all.
And which is actually a shame, and where the registry had badly failed to „go for it“.
For the first time, there is a chance to bring .Tel mainstream, because QR-Codes are showing up, on the horizon.
These codes work with mainstream, as already proven during ten years in Japan. If... you educate mainstream. But which was done. And done good.
Seems, that not one company had failed, in that environment, because consumers where quickly educated, and codes where quickly adopted, by advertisers, and then by consumers.
Switzerland, seems to be greatest QR-Code evangelist and adopter, after Japan, if you look outside of Asia.
But the biggest players „on their way“, seem to be America, the United Kingdom, and maybe France. America is speeding up, by educating online, in the way of an „OpenSource spirit“, à la Linux community.
And by the way: The .Tel community is comparable with the Linux community, from the aspect of community spirit and OpenSource development by users of .Tel.
The QR-Code points to Dot Tel domains. With hardly any effort made.
It used to be: „Dial my name“ („Ben“), followed by a „.tel“ suffix. But no one did that, except a young lady in a video commercial. And that was it.
Tomorrow, it will be: „Scan my .Tel domain“. Yes, people with mobile phones will get that message. No question.
QR-Codes are so mainstream. If you want to go mainstream with a product, than you will the QR-Code a shot, if you are not ignorant, or dumb. Has any company admitted, that they had ever acted ignorant or dumb? No, and that is why a lot of them failed. Admitting a failure or mistake, or wrong business strategy, etc., shows that you are strong, and that you have character, are a self learner, and a leader.
Small businesses had adopted .Tel, for example, because they are more flexible than large companies, and are able to make decisions much faster, and in a „short cut way“, without too many directors able to hinder a good idea to become fruitful.
Till big companies will be using .Tel, small companies will be already using them for a few years.
The QR-Code, is a direct and short way, to reach mainstream: Just give them QR-Codes of Dot Tel Domain, and if they know, what to do with such codes, then they will proceed in the same way, with any QR-Code.
And no company will be discriminated. Any code of any company that gets scanned, already has the attention from the consumer, and is therefore a potential customer for the provider of the code.
The „sit and wait, and see“ attitude, would not work this time, with QR-Codes. This would perhaps even kill your company, if you think you can remain in the same degree of passiveness.
No: Action is needed. You must get active. And better now.
This is about business, and if you don't get the potential of QR-Codes, after a while, I can't help you.
Not using QR-Codes, would be like trying not to use money in business, as a form of payment. Because money is part of our system, and QR-Codes will become part of our system to. They will make the world keeping go around.
When some other problems seem to hinder economy, than some new ways to proceed, can bring some balance, and let us bypass whatever other problem, so that cash keeps flowing.
Thank you, so much, QR-Codes.
I agree, jump in !
ReplyDeleteThanks for including me on your blogroll. Patrick, QrArts.com
You are welcome, dear Patrick.