By: Mark Haslan
December 28th, 2010
Facebook members are avid QR code scanners.While consumers are increasingly scanning quick response codes, new research conducted by Scanbuy indicates that social network users in particular are taking to the new medium, with a significant portion of Twitter and Facebook users scanning mobile barcodes.
MediaPost reports that 57 percent of Facebook and Twitter users said they have scanned a mobile barcode at least once in the past year, while as many as 40 percent had done so five or more times in the past year.
An earlier survey conducted by Scanbuy found that consumers were using QR codes more with recent holiday promotions. QR code usage increased by 50 percent during the holidays in comparison to the pre-holiday period, which was already up significantly year-over-year.
QR codes are encouraging many businesses to turn to print marketing initiatives, as the bar codes can be placed on anything from color brochures to catalogs. The trend is sure to continue as the number of smartphone owners continues to grow – smartphone ownership grew by nearly 20 million American consumers over the course of 2010, according to comScore.
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