Today we hear about QR Codes or Quick Response Codes, ideas behind them, and how they can help grow your business.
All this is true, placing them on business cards, magazine ads, billboards, flyers, signs, direct mail, restaurant menus using them to make a special offer, tell your company story, list your products and services, share customer testimonials, link to your facebook page. I think you get the idea.
But what's important behind the code is not only the content but how that content is displayed. Consumers are going to your website from their phones. What do they see? Does it load? Can they find information easily? What does it look like on an iPhone? A BlackBerry? Mobile growth is happening 4 times as fast as the internet. Your Brand is now in the consumers hand. How do you want them to see your Brand? Some interesting facts
-Morgan Stanley research estimates sales of smartphones will exceed those of PC's in 2012.
-5% of U.S. adults who own mobile phones have used their phones to research products before making purchases.
-2% of those consumers have purchased merchandise via their phones, according to a new study from Forrester Research Inc.
-According to an InsightExpress study, 82% of consumers already use mobile phone during their shopping trips, so it's critical that retailers understand and embrace this new shopping behavior.
Think about how your business can use both QR codes and Mobile Websites to give the consumer the ultimate brand experience.
Posted by Sp@ce Designs
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