Friday, 31 December 2010

Still remains the problem to solve, for the average mobile web site holder, to explain, that his QR-Code is carrying a message.

Here is a ad campaign which assoziates QR-Codes with speach and message.

Looks like another try to educate people, that QR-Codes are about communication, text and contact information, as well as web content.

The Dot Tel domain claims that it is about contact information, and not web content. But using a .Tel, and generating it into a QR-Code, could more often show a landing page for viewing web content, firstly, and secondly contact information. You want to rather display your QR-Code for your web site to be found and seen, rather than your contact info.
"Out of the box" mobile web sites, such as .Tel, are handy for mobile marketing via QR-Codes.

Still remains the problem to solve, for the average mobile web site holder, to explain, that his QR-Code is carrying a message, respectively, some text info to be read...

Or, take a .Tel logo, slap a face on it, and place a speech buble upon it: "I am saying... (to read message, please scan code and read decoded code on smart phone screen)."

And here the .Tel version:

There is a lot to think about Quick Response Codes and mobile marketing.

You have got a .Tel domain and which is also a mobile web site (the .Tel registry calls ist a page).
Your web site has content: web content.
The content, you could print on paper, each sub-domain, too.
However, that information is stored under your domain name. It is the web content for that name.
You can share your web site, by publishing or sending its web link.
The link fetches the content on the web, so can view it.
An other method of sharing a domain name, is to display a code that can be read, and will so provide the domain name, as well.

Basically, a code shows a piece of text:
An email address
A phone number
A document
Or any other piece of text message.

Code = Text

You get your code for your web site or contact information, if you generate one, by entering the text into a Code Generator, and selecting URL, email, phone, SMS, Text (other), etc.

If you happen to enter an URL, you have the possibility to shorten it by using an URL shortener, such as for example „“.
And that is highly recommended, because shortened URLs produce/generate slimmer and smaller codes.

By displaying a Quick Response Code (QR-Code), you are doing nothing else, as displaying an invitation to view your text, web site, or contact information.
People wont know, what they can expect, if you only display a code without any added information about the code. A short and informative description next to the code, will enable the person to either want to scan your code, or to ignore it.

Scanning QR-Codes make sense, because it is easyer to scan a code than a web link, or a whole document/page of text.

You see, here, that you can not only share contact information, or text messages and documents, but als just a web link.

By sharing a web link, you can promote your web site.
Now, if the scanner, which is a smart phone, can als imediatly display the web site, then you can discover and surf the new web site „on the go“.

And so: this is ideal for promoting a mobile web site.

Shortening an URL, and generating a code for that shortened URL, is a no-brainer.
But the other question is: where would you like to display your code?
And how big should it be, so that it is scanable from where the scaner will most likely take it / snap it. But let us leave that question for an other time...

So, you see: your web site can be found offline, by people who are „on the go“. And it can be viewed „on the go“, as well, for example in any public transportation (taxi, tram, bus, train, etc.).

If you want to promote your web site, this way, and you want to show your Dot Tel domain, than you should probably have an other mobile website, as well, and make your .Tel domain your landing page.

It may make sense, to display a .Tel domain, in form of a code, because it can be viewed as business card with contact information, or as a directory (guide or e-commerce, etc.).

Imagine, you only want to do a cheap and quick experiment, and finally do see, that your .Tel domain is ranked high in Google Search. Then you will want to leave it there, and use it as your online landing page, for visitors and customers, and just update the landing page, with your new or updated main mobile friendly web site.

I think, that the Dot Tel domain would be ideal for such an experiment, because it is inexpensive, compared with a complex and heavy web site, and it can be set up online, within an hour, or a few hours.

Dot Tel, is ideal for beginners and non techies. You can get a great sense of achievement, and be successful, that way.

I think it was important to clarify, and to point out, what we are exactly doing with QR-Codes: People are scanning, and then reading the informatin we provide and want to be seen.
Instead of handing out hundrets of flyers, we can just provide one code at one location, for everybody to be seen/discovered.

The whole thinktaking about QR-Codes and mobile marketing, should be within those facts.

I reapeat:

Code = Text.


Text can be turned into code.

You have to be lucky, to have someone who sees your code, and who is familiar with scanning QR-Codes.

But the next thing will be, to convince him, that he can benefit from scanning and reading your code (= text information).

I think, that the most important thin, at this stage, is to get some experience by experimenting with chosing text to be replaced by codes, and then to display the codes.

The first response to your code, is a person scanning the code.
The second response to your code, might be the person contacting you, by using your contact information on your mobile site. And where else can you do it easyer and nicer than on a Dot Tel domain? It is there, where simplicity, cost and time saving begins, with a .Tel.

It might be worth, having an eye on how the print media uses Quick Response Codes: There is always a lot of text, or a big stilish photograph, and the code, is just signaling, that there is some (more) information, that can be read about whatever the advert is about.

The other method with QR-Codes, is to use them online, and put them on your blog, or buy some advert space on some other blog or web site. This is also very promissing, because scanning codes from adverts in page size, happen about 50% from brochures and documents or flyers, and 50% from web sites / blogs.

At the end of the day, you might want to know, how many scans you got offline, and how many you got online: There are tracking services for QR-Code, respectively for tagging.

Figure out a concept, method and strategy. Learn by doing experiments. And improve the ways you proceed. That is how you will outperform your competitors and win more customers.

It is about providing text information, and you can do that, by

Distributing flyers (print media. going to web media, viewed on a mobile phone)
Displaying posters and billboards (print media, going to web media, viewed on a mobile phone)
Displaying and sharing web links (web media)
Displaying and sharing Quick Response Codes on stickers (print media, going to web media, viewed on a mobile phone)
Displaying and sharing Quick Response Codes on blogs (web media, viewed on a mobile phone)

The paper business card, with your code on it, may only reach the one person, you hand it out to...

The web media, is your destination. But if promoting a mobile web site: where other than through a mobile phone, can be seen, if your mobile web site is cool, easy to navigate, and informative, form a mobile phone perspective?

I can only say: thinktank, thinktank, thinktank, brainstorm.

Your code only says "Scan Me!", but what are you: A URL, a email address, a piece of text, a document? And why should I scan your code? What are the benefits and the output? Make it clear. Invite and advertize. Give them something for which they will also remember you, and return to you or your site. Find out, if people are scanning your code, and how often, etc.
Get feedback and stats, and more. Yes, some tidy revenue, at some time.

Anybody with a mobile web site (and a Dot Tel domain, is such a site), could start publishing QR-Codes, generated from their .Tel domain, or/and from its sub-domains.

Why this is not actually happening, is due to lack of education about the codes, how to make them, and about their beneficial usage, and their potential.
In other words: How much input must I put, and how do I put it, and how much output does my customer get, and I get from the customer?

Educate domain holders about how to make QR-Codes with good content, where to display them, how to get responses, and how to create interactivety.

Scanning a code, and viewing contact information, after viewing text information, are just a few steps more than using existing stored contact information.

As soon as anybody involved in later QR-Code interaction, will see the benefit of such an interaction, they will bother about the codes, generate, display, scan, view, and be responsive to them.

The codes came to the US and to Europe, but no one got educated about how to use them, and what the strange codes are all about.
I guess, that the ones who do scan them are self learners, who looked up Wikipedia, etc.

In Japan, where the first QR-Codes showed up, the Japanes got previously educated. And which is why QR-Codes rock in Japan.

I can well imagine, that scanning codes from a mobile phone is great fun.


Thursday, 30 December 2010

Your .Tel can generate a code, which can be scanned and launched from a browser-enabled camera phone equipped with QR reader software.

Align Centre

Share this post:

QR-Code (non mobilized web page?):

You can also use the code's permalink:

Share QR-promo-logo (small/png/transparent):

Add promo-text to logo:
Your .Tel can generate a code, which can be scanned and launched from a browser-enabled camera phone equipped with QR reader software.








言い換えれば、あなたはステージショーや食事の支払いと同じようにあなたの費用の一部となるためにお金を考える - 最良の方法は、あなたが失って喜んでいるように多くの現金だけを取ることですラスベガスでギャンブルを取る。あなたは素晴らしいことだあなたの休暇にお支払いすることは賞金をあてにしないでくださいスロットマシンブラックジャックやスコアのことは大きな手を獲得してしまった場合。

のは、短い仮想訪問を取り、あなたが対処する必要がありますか誘惑のようなものを見てみましょう - しかし、話は簡単です。

あなたがギャンブル急に圧倒される可能性がある場合には、土地マカロン空港 - 荷物請求カルーセルで右に座ってスロットマシンがあります!しばらくの間は、スロットマシンは統計的にプレイすることができます、最悪のオッズを言えば、されていることを覚えてあなたの飛行から表示されるようにお荷物を待っている間はとても気持ちがいいものは、スロットにいくつかの宿舎をドロップする可能性があります。

ピックアップ後お荷物お泊りのホテルあなたにチェックがギャンブルのテーブルに描画されるでしょう - 結局のところ、ラスベガスはすべてに約あるかだ!あなたとラスベガスに来てもしかし、あなたが事前に少し研究を行う場合は、より多くのお金のホームを取る確率を上げることができるかもしれません。




そして、あなたは前にいるときは徒歩しようとすると、テーブルでの勝利を行う場合。何回もの人々は偉大な勝利筋がヒットしだけ自分の利益を失うことと回るも、自分のポケットに深く掘って、連勝を奪還を期待して深い穴に自分自身を掘りを終了します。あなたが利益は、あなたのポケットには、カジノホストを提供インセンティブが演奏を維持する場合でも、テーブルから徒歩ことを配置しようと達成しなければそれは難しい。覚えてオッズは家に有利に常にいることを、彼らはあなたのビジネスをしたい - さらにので、勝てば!



Foresight Gambler




Paris Budget




Organic Tea




Triest Directory

Wednesday, 29 December 2010


---------- QR Codes help you to drive more mobile traffic to your website. ------- (QR codes are widely used in Japan to store and display information, particularly URLs, which can be scanned and launched from a browser-enabled camera phone equipped with QR reader software). --- QR Codes are here to stay. The key is public education and that is happening right now. 2011 is going to be a huge year for QR.



























認定有機茶は、作物として茶を栽培して事実上すべての国で見つけることができます。指定"有機茶"白、赤、緑、ウーロン茶、黒や他の茶品種に適用することができます。多くの有機ハーブティーのブレンドは、スパイスも有機栽培されている花のような他の成分が含まれています。 "有機"として茶の分類はそれではなく、茶の特定の種類や発酵のレベル生成するために農業や処理方法のみを参照します。







Apple iPhone 3GS - Where's the Tag Reader?

Can't see any evidence of a tag reader being shipped out of the box with the new Apple iPhone 3GS - but I'd love to be corrected.

Personally I wonder if the future of mobile tagging isn't far too important to both mobile phone manufacturers and carriers to leave to third parties? Perhaps the reason that Apple hasn't shipped a tag reader is that it wants to provide it's own tag format, reader and tag management app. That way it has the kind of control over mobile tagging that it likes to have. It would hardly be difficult to do.

If anyone has heard anything about Apple developing their own tag format or licensing those of others, please comment.

(NB. I'm aware that lots of tag readers, including Microsoft's, run on the iPhone - and that Microsoft recently announced support for iPhone OS 3).


QR Browser

QR Browser is a free iPhone app that creates a QR Code (in shocking pink) from a website that you browse to on your phone. It's a clever idea and it works - or it did for me. But I'm not sure I can see that many people using it as obviously it is limited to just connecting the QR Code to a URL.


Denso QR Codes

Sometimes it's easy to forget that we stand on the shoulders of giants so I thought I'd briefly remind myself that QR Codes - largely responsible for the growth of mobile tagging - were invented by Denso Corporation and are very well explained on their website here.


MS tags on iPhone: 2 Steps Forward - 1 Step Back

The Microsoft Tag reader app on the iPhone used to be great.

Load the reader. Point the camera at an MS Tag. Bing. It resolves to the tag content.

Then I made the mistake of "upgrading" to version 2.1.75 of the iPhone reader. Now you have to literally snap an image of the tag then decide if you want to use this image then resolve to the content behind it. Ugly. Slower. Just like many QR Code readers.

So I wondered why? Then I started to investigate 2.1.75 and I think I've figured it out. Microsoft will soon be supporting other tag formats in its reader and also it wanted to add a "history" page to the app.

The new reader behaves a lot like the Neoreader that I use for QR Code reading so I'm wondering if this is a knock-off or if Neoreader has been licensed - perhaps as part of some patent-related deal? There's now a help screen that basically states "This version of the reader supports these tag formats..." Only one format is listed - Microsoft Tag - but clearly the only reason to have this screen is so others can be added in future. And there's now an option to store tag images you've snapped so you can revisit the tag again later by clicking the tag in your history (i.e tag bookmark) list.

So there you have it. Two steps forward and one step back. But expect Microsoft's tag reader to support more tags formats soon. You read it here first.

Of course that's great for us at Vizitag - one reader for multiple tag formats - just like one tag management app (Vizitag) to link to multiple tag formats.


Stamp Tags

Printing a tag on a regular mail stamp is a good way to get more exposure for a good cause or to vote for something as espoused by here.
Create and download your tag, then simply use one of the online stamp making tools to paste your tag image onto your own stamp. That way every letter you send also acts as a business card or campaign tool.


Tweet Tag

We thought having tweet tag was a good idea so we've created one (snap tag on left).

The idea of a Tweet tag is to provide mobile users with an easy way to tweet a specific message - pre-defined by the tag owner - when they snap the tag.

So when you visit a store with a great sale going on, a venue with a great band playing, an art gallery with an interesting new work, you can tweet your followers with a snap of the Tweet tag. Your tag snap then sends Twitter a tweet like "Get on over to XYZ - there's a great sale going on!"

NB. The tag depends on you viewing Twitter in 'standard' not 'mobile' view mode. If you are in mobile mode the tag text message does not paste into the Tweet box so you need to click the 'standard' button to switch view and then click 'update' in the normal way to post your tweet.



Our friends at Kaywa have done a nice job in creating an RSS tag - like this one that links you back to this blog and displays my latest posts on your mobile.


Custom QR Code

Cool tag.
But doesn't scan (I tried 8 readers on my iPhone)
So rather pointless...


Intro to Mobile Tagging

Helpful introductory article on mobile tagging (in German) including examples of 2D codes being used on railway ticket and mailing stamp.


Apple iTag

As I've said before, the fact that Apple did not ship a tag reader on the latest iPhone indicates to me that an Apple tag is in development and is not yet ready for prime time.

Why? Because why would Apple want to ship a Microsoft Tag Reader or some QR Code Reader with their phone - they'll want to leverage the millions of iPhones out there by supplying their own tag format and reader.

Let's call Apple's tag an "iTag" - even though iTag is already registered for a photo tagging site.

Now being Apple, I imagine that an iTag will have to look cooler than any other tag format so it will probably be Jackson Pollacked in some way (see image). It will also do a lot more than current tag formats "out of the box". Here are some ideas as to how an Apple iTag would be used other than via an iTag reader app on the iPhone itself:

1. MobileMe includes a tag repository so that all iTags you have snapped on your iPhone are automatically uploaded to your MobileMe account.

2. Every digital asset on iTunes is displayed with an iTag attached - e.g. snap the tag to get more info about the band/movie, a promo code, a cross-selling music clip, a trailer etc.

3. iPhoto includes an iTag manager to create and display your iTag collection.

4. iMovie generates an iTag automatically for your movie file so when the tag is snapped your movie is played.

5. Keynote generates an iTag automatically so that when the tag is snapped your presentation is presented in a viewer.

Please comment if you have other ideas - I'm beginning to feel like the Mekon (A Dan Dare reference if you are lost).

iTags could be huge the day they are released if they are integrated with other Apple application assets from the start - something that, puzzlingly, Microsoft has not done with its own tags.


Interactive Clothing

Looking back over some old posts from 2008 on the use of QR Codes on Umbro's England Football shirts got me thinking again about interactive clothing. That is how can tags make a piece of clothing interactive?

And I don't mean just directing the snapper to some promotional mobile website (yawn) but something useful e.g. you snap the tag, register and get sent a coupon for money-off a specific accessory that matches your clothing item but can't be bought in the shops.

Barbour are famous for their aftercare service as their jackets last for years/decades. Maybe if your jacket finally needs some TLC you snap the tag to trigger a call from Barbour to pick up your jacket for a 'makeover'.

Couture dresses could have tags that link you to a gallery of jewelry items or high-end accessories that are matched to the dress.


Swiss Postbus Mobile Tagging

I thought it was time to revisit Swiss Postbus and see if they have moved on from their trial of mobile tagging, started way back in 2007. And they have. A section of their website is dedicated to their mobile tagging initiative. Postbus uses BeeTaggs but could have used any tag format.

Mobile tagging has been implemented in and around the capital city Bern and in West Switzerland. Snapping the tag at a bus stop provides timetable information about the routes from the stop you are at, including the next buses expected.

This is a great use of mobile tagging. It adds real value for travellers and costs operating companies significantly less than putting up expensive digital displays at stops or even displaying and regularly replacing paper timetable posters at each stop.

Trust the Swiss to recognize how to leverage a technology to deliver greater efficiency.


Lego Puzzle Tag

Sometimes 'creative' agencies really do come up with something truly creative that may not be very practical but is a great idea. The Lego puzzle tags developed for German online toy seller by the Lukas Lindemann Rosinski agency in Hamburg certainly ticks all the creativity boxes.

Using Lego bricks it's possible for kids to build a real QR Code that can then be snapped to take them on some imaginative online journey. It's not entirely clear from the press releases/brief etc. whether the resulting tag can be snapped but whatever.

If this journey consisted of linked content that depended on the construction of the next puzzle tag to snap and continue the journey - Lego could easily have a great basis for a range of puzzle kits that link together to deliver an integrated online journey experience.

Here you have an idea that combines mobile tagging with jigsaws and online content via a mobile phone to participate in a journey of discovery. It may not be a PlayStation but some kids would find this fascinating.



Wear Your Profile

Emma Cott has come up with a great concept to get more value out of free Q R Codes with her simple but powerful 'wear your profile' designs.

What's great about her solution is not just her 4-step workflow to select a design and populate it with a QR Code but also the fact that she has seamlessly linked her offering to so that you can get your tag printed on a t-shirt of your choice and delivered to you.

This is a great tag mashup and indicative of just one of the ways that tags can be leveraged to create new and interesting service propositions.


Q R Wall

Remember those schemes that used to get a lot of attention where you purchased just one pixel on a webpage. Well now you can do much the same - for free at the moment - by creating a QR Code and posting it to an online QR wall (see image). The idea is that you link your message to the tag, which is delivered when anyone snaps it 'off the wall' (MJ-RIP).

This could be another simple way of using tags for classified advertising with the simple addition of some branding around the tag. One caveat: this kind of format is very easy to hijack for delivering porn and other less tasteful tag content.


QR Code Channel on YouTube

In case you didn't know there's virtually a whole channel of QR Code related videos on Youtube here.

One I like - because it indicates just what a buzz mobile tagging can generate when you are used to it and have the reader on your phone etc. - is this one of snappers in a Tokyo subway station.


Possibly something interesting for Dot Tel domain owners?: James Carter's Mobile Barcoder add-on for Firefox.

Know how it is when you want to get home from work but have just found an interesting site/page - like this one - that you'd like to follow-up on your mobile and you can't be bothered to type the URL into your mobile browser and bookmark it before you leave?

Well that's a problem that James Carter's Mobile Barcoder add-on for Firefox solves for you. You install the add-on into your browser and it generates a QR Code for the current page you are on (or all pages in your cureent set of tabbed pages). You snap the QR Code with your mobile before you leave work and voila! you have the page on your mobile to bookmark now or view later.

Mobile Barcoder puts a tiny icon in the footer bar of your browser. When you hover over the icon the QR Code generated for the current page URL pops up so you can snap it. You can also set the type of code (QR or Datamatrix) and size of code displayed. I don't excpect it will be long before James exploits the MS Tag API so he can offers this tag format as another option.


Dijon now has its own tourist tag trail called Divio that uses QR Codes to deliver more information about places and monuments.

Dijon now has its own tourist tag trail called Divio that uses QR Codes to deliver more information about places and monuments. The video makes it look as if they just slapped a few stickers around the city and they are all different sizes with no clear branding.

But nevertheless this is a use of tags that we expect to be commonplace within a year or two. We've tried to sell this concept a few times here in the UK but we're generally greeted with that kind of 'are you mad' expression as tourist office people rush to get back to placing another order for lots of expensive printed brochures that end up in rubbish bins.


vSendit is a Japanese iPhone app that can send your contact data to another iPhone user by email and automatically generate a QR Code...

vSendit is a Japanese iPhone app that can send your contact data to another iPhone user by email and automatically generate a QR Code from the same data so when the code is snapped your contact data is displayed.


Social Landing Pages

Tags and landing pages go together like peaches and cream. The whole point of snapping a tag is to reach content or functionality optimized for your mobile phone. So it makes sense if your landing page does as much work as it can.

Ion Interactive focuses on web analytics and has a lot of interesting stuff on landing pages. One interesting idea is to combine a social networking widget with a landing page so that the page becomes a mashup of content and comment - in this case comments on the page content are Facebook pokes.

Their example is not especially mobile optimized but if the widget included just the ability to poke or tweet what you are doing right now - e.g. I just snapped this cool tag - it could be a good addition to your tag landing pages.


Starbucks QR Latte

The New York Times reported on the use of QR Codes by Starbucks. The code is used to trigger a mobile payment and is part of their myStarbucks app on the iphone. An analyst quoted doubted whether using mobile tags for payment in this way will catch on when compared to the option to use near field technology that reads passive RFID tags.


A Box Life

A Box Life is a cute idea for QR Codes sponsored by clothing firm Columbia as a recycling initiative. Put a tag on a cardboard box so that when the box is reused you can track the 'life' of the box.

By snapping the tag and providing your location data or entering the tracking code printed under the tag with your current location via a widget on the website, you update the box's current location so it can be tracked as it criss-crosses the USA.

Using the web widget you can also add some data about where the box came from to you, to build up a picture of the box's lifestream. Aaw. Bless.

I'd hate to be the one who had to log that the box has finally gone to the shredder in the sky.



Tags are often described as linking print content to online content but what about using a tag to cause a document to be printed on any printer able to scan the tag?

This Xerox video show how a specially equipped Xerox photocopier/printer can scan the tag on your phone in order to download details of a document and then print it. You pull up the tag on your phone, lay it on the printer's scanner and the tag resolves to print your document.


QR Code Generator from tagsolute

There are loads of one-off QR Code generators on the web, so here's another one from tagsolute. It's in German but perfectly easy to understand.

Tagsolute also provide an API that can generate a QR Code for the current web page in your browser.


Tags are a Channel

The aim of most online marketing is to get your content in front of eyeballs so that it can prompt some kind of action (buy, visit, respond etc.). Facebook, Twitter and any other social networking tool are also ways to get your content in front of people - that's why businesses have wised up to leveraging social media for marketing purposes.

Tags are no different.

Tags are a way to get content in front of a phone user. Focused content. Virtually immediately. At point of siting. This is something that search just can't do. That's why all the "why use a tag - just type in the URL" naysayers just don't get it.

It's about delivering content: Right-now, right-where, right-what.

You see a tag. You snap it. You get the content. Hopefully relevant and interesting mobile-optimized content complete with as many calls to action - that can be actioned from a mobile phone that is - as possible.

Tags are just another mobile marketing channel. So add them to your next campaign.


Blast from the Past

Came across this press release - from 3 years ago and in German - explaining and showing the use of QR codes on railway timetables by the Swiss Railway System. We're still a long way behind here in the UK...


Austrian Airlines Goes QR

The new mobile portal for Austrian Airlines is now connected via a QR Code so that snapping a tag links you to online content to help you to book a flight or checkin and reserve a seat.


94Wines Personalized Content

Adding a QR code to a wine bottle is not a new idea but the tagging twist added by 94wines is quite interesting. When you order a bottle of wine from 94wines they put a QR Code on the label that resolves to online content - just like any other QR Code. The twist is that you can upload your own personal content to the 94Wines webspace and that is where the tag resolves to.

If I've understood it right, this is in effect a personalized wine bottle label, which is quite clever. If you don't upload any content then you get 94wines standard content delivered on snap. There's also an iphone app that bundles a QR reader with other content and the ability to preview the content your QR code delivers without snapping the tag by entering your personalized wine code on the website. Nice job!


Gartner's Top 10 Consumer Mobile Applications for 2012

It's useful to review this Gartner report of their top 10 consumer mobile apps for 2012 from a mobile tagging perspective.

1. SMS Money Transfer - Can be done by snapping a tag using something like PayPal mobile or one of many other mobile money transfer services - for example to buy a ticket to an event by snapping a tag on a poster.

2. Location Based Services - Tags located in the real world (e.g. in a bus shelter) don't even need LBS to communicate location-centric data to the consumer. The tag itself identifies a specific location and resolves to LB-information.

3. Mobile Search - Why search when you can snap? You can search for information about a movie or event or just snap the tag on the ad or poster and get specific, focused information without bothering with wading through search results on your mobile screen.

4. Mobile Browsing - Tags should always resolve to a mobile-optimized website (one of the 'rules' of mobile tagging) and so promote the delivery of mobile optimized content.

5. Mobile health monitoring - Tags are already being used in the healthcare sector for obvious applications like identifying patients, linking to medical information and helping to quickly record healthcare events like visits to a doctor (e.g. Google Health).

6. Mobile Payment - see (1) above.

7. Near-Field Communication - NFC combined with tagging could be used for simple apps like virally transferring discount coupons between phone users. Snap the tag to get the coupon download to your phone and then transfer it to your mate via NFC.

8. Mobile Advertising - The home ground of mobile tagging. Slap your tag on any kind of online site/page/blog etc. or on any kind of print media page/poster/bizcard etc. to advertise yourself or your products or services.

9. Mobile Instant Messaging - Snap the tag to send someone a message, generate a tweet, post a blog entry etc. Already easy to do.

10. Mobile Music (& Movies) - Snap the tag to get instant access to a music or movie clip. Again, simple and easy to do.

Not an especially surprising set of 10 for a company with as much insight into a market as Gartner but at least tagging relates to all of them.





線やエッフェル塔で高価なチケットを忘れてください。 Sacre Coeurのが良いのビューを提供しており、それは無料です。

あなたの時間とほぼ同じあなたのお金として貴重。 、パリの最高のサイトを参照してくださいが、チケットまたはエントリの行で待っている時間を最小限にしてください。



あなたは自分自身にそれを借りて - そしてあなたの予算は - パリのオープンエアの市場のひとつでピクニックランチの買物をする。









Tuesday, 28 December 2010

My two cents about shortening URL's for generating QR-Codes:

To make the long story short, that follows, I was able to conclude: Shortening an URL before generating it into a QR-Code, brings benefits, such as good looks of the code, in either case, when creating the code for close up scanning, as well as for distance scanning. The benefits through shortening, are huge, respectively massive.

And now, the long story:

Shortening a URL, gives you a smaller and lighter QR-Code size, when selecting the same format within the code generator.

Example with the "Kaywa QR-Code Generator" by selectig "size M" in each of the two cases:

Full length:
(better with foreward slash, as it seems to generate a ligher code:)
Shortened URL:

Generate the full length URL (inclusive the foreward slash):

Generated the shortened URL:

Resizing this code from "size M" to "size L":

Resizing the unshortened Link-Code, from "size M" to "size L":

Tools / Links:
Kaywa QR-Code Generator:

URL Shortener: ("Bitly helps you share, track, and analyze your links."):

Conclusion and final thoughts:
The shortened URL version in the smaller format, is good for close up scanning, and the shortened URL version in the bigger format, is good for scanning from a further distance.

The further the scanning distance, the larger the QR-Code has to be. But QR-Codes generated from shortened URL's can be keept smaller then from unshortened URL's, because their visability is equally good in the smaller formats.

However: the golden rule of thumb, is to always shorten the URL's before generating them into codes. As it is in any case, the better solution. Saving real estate on your screen, and better visual and scanable from a distance.

And so, it seems to be worth, to "go the extra mile" and do some extra work, by shortening the URL, as well.

further testing:

Generating a code from a shortened URL, previously with foreward slash:

Generating a code from a shortend URL, previously without foreward slash:

Both held next to each other:

Once again, shortening brings better results. And makes the one without slash, equal to the one with slash (which had been the better one, if not shortening...).

By firstly shortening an URL, you bring down the weight of the code to an „one size fits all“ weight, and so, you improve the code in any case, if you shorten it's URL, before generating the code.

And in other words: if you miss out to shorten, or skip the shortening procedure, than you only create heavy weight codes. Shortening helps make the best out of the worst, and provides the best possible looks of a plein black and white QR-Code.

Shortened URL codes, can be smaller for the same scanning distance, than unshortened ones, because the smaller code can be equally well read, as the bigger one.
In other words: shortened URL codes can be read at the same distance, for which unshortened code URL's with the same amount of content, need to have a bigger format.

If you wan't the smallest readabe QR-Code, from distance „X“: then always go for a shortened URL, for generating.

If size doesn't matter, than you probably won't have to shorten the URL.

Also, same size QR-Code, for the same web content, but generated from a shortened URL, is easier to read. (Generating unshortened and shortened URL's within the same generator format, produce different size codes.)

OK: It is enough, if you just remember, that: Shortening URL's, for generating codes, is always much better.




ワインの世界は、今までより速く回転している場合:新品種を、新たな地域、新しいシール - すべては、よりグローバルなカラフルです。そして、まだ何かが変更されています:ワインがスーパーで購入している。オーストラリアのように、ラインヘッセン、またはチリブドウ近所のジュースの横に加えて、当然のことです。アドバイスやサンプル?適用されません。同様に、ウェブ上でショッピング。誰が彼のワインショップの正の意味で、国内のワイナリーとして発行すると、それだけではなく、プロのマーケティング上の彼の製品の品質と始めて進むべき道にされている場合のみの競争激化をかわすことができます。これは魅力的な表情が含まれています。


ていないワインの普及ラテン語は必須ですが、重要なコーポレートアイデンティティと一致する右トーンを見つけることです。結論: - 、創造的な魅力的なワインの現代的なマーケティングは、顧客の嗜好やテキストや設計基準の要求に持って行く。またはワインの言語でそれを置く:品質を区別。


ワインを購入する人々は、彼の感覚から気をそらすことができます。しかし、選択肢は驚くほど多くのは、味と香りに依存するのではなく、光学系に。飲み物が付いている目はと購入 - 第一印象のいずれかをされています。

腕、ウェブサイトや広告のラベル、ロゴ、チラシ、コートかどうか - 良質なワインは、魅力的なパッケージを持っています。また、プロの文章や近代的なコミュニケーションに努めています人は、パッケージを完了します。競争上の優位性を確保する。






Sunday, 26 December 2010

QR Code Reader Finder



Votre smartphone est-il compatible avec les codes 2D libres de droit ?

Votre smartphone est-il compatible avec les codes 2D libres de droit ?

Quel que soit votre téléphone, je vous recommande de taper une fois sur votre mobile :

Votre modèle sera automatiquement identifié. Ce blog n'a aucun lien avec Tigtags
J'ai un mobile, qu'est-ce qu'un code 2D ?
En anglais 2D Barcode, le code-barre 2D appelé aussi code 2D est la représentation graphique de données numériques. Ainsi, les téléphones mobiles compatibles et dotés d'une caméra peuvent servir à "scanner" ces codes 2D et déchiffrer ces données.

Le code, en mode local, est textuel ou hypertextuel (cliquable) et comporte entre 60 et 80 caractères ; ce peut être du texte, formaté ou non (carte de visite), un numéro de téléphone (appel d'un clic), une URL (navigation wap, web), un mail (envoi mail + objet automatique), un SMS etc...

Pour l'utilisateur final, un code 2D peut être généré sur le web, scanné via son téléphone mobile, reçu par SMS ou MMS comme une contremarque (billets de concerts, tickets de train...). De plus, un code 2D peut diriger vers une plate-forme mobile de paiement et ainsi enclencher un acte d'achat.

Un code 2D s'imprime, se publie, se projette, se colle, s'affiche sur n'importe quelle surface physique (y compris un écran) et peut être de n'importe quelle taille (min. 1,7 cm X 1,7 cm à plusieurs mètres²).

En un mot, un code 2D est un hyperlien... mobile

Grosso modo, deux visions sans interopérabilité : l'une considère un code 2D à la fois comme un canal de communication et d'information, la seconde uniquement comme un canal d'information. La première aspire à ce qu'un hypertexte physique soit un code 2D libre de droit qui encode n'importe quel caractère (texte et chiffre dont http...), la seconde pour que le code 2D encode un identifiant qui implique un serveur de résolution, un logiciel propriétaire et l'achat des codes auprès de distributeurs agréés... Internet vs. Minitel dans un contexte de réalité étendue ? Ou "hypertexte" vs. "nom de domaine" dans le domaine du mobile et des données ambiantes ?

Neustar (US) has announced the launch of its Mobile Barcode Clearing house Service, Gomocode.

Link to Gomocode web site:

Neustar provides the dot tel registry Telnic with a back-end server and services for the dot tel domains.

Scan code on advertisement, view web content

1.) Scan code on advertisement.
2.) Click to connect to content.
3.) View web content.

Mobile Barcodes are printed symbols that link consumers with interactive content such as videos, music, web pages, coupons, text alerts, movie tickets and more via their mobile phone. Mobile barcodes can be found anywhere- newspaper articles, magazine ads, billboards, product packaging, receipts, or even business cards.
It’s no longer necessary to type long URLs into your mobile browser, just scan a barcode to go directly to the mobile web site and the specific content you are looking for. The mobile experience becomes faster, simpler, more useful, and much more entertaining.

1. Download a free 2-D mobile barcode reader from using your mobile browser.

2. Scan a code using the reader. Within a few seconds, you’ll directly access the relevant information.

Neustars Generic Barcode Presentation

About the Mobile Barcodes Pilot Program

Everyone Wins with Interoperability!

Mobile barcodes provide a unique advertising medium that easily delivers relevant content to consumers and makes traditional media both interactive and measurable. Today, many players use a variety of both barcode and reader technologies, which fragments the market. Neustar’s mobile barcode clearinghouse provides interoperability between the different barcode technologies, providing the reach needed to enable broad market adoption.


1. Provide a low-risk, low-cost opportunity to gain learnings and solidify barcode business cases while gaining insight into pricing, promotion and positioning for widespreadcommercial adoption.

2. Illustrate value of mobile barcodes compared to other forms of traditional and interactive media.

3. Deliver service interoperability, making barcodes widely and easily available to brands and reducing the risk to mobile operators.

4. Validate use cases for brand ROI and positive user engagement.

Mobile barcode technology is gaining momentum. Now is the time to gain insights and learnings into this new medium, while the cost of entry is low and your competitive advantage is high. Brands entering this space will be viewed as creative innovators. Learn more about joining the pilot program.

About Neustar

Neustar was originally founded in 1996 to meet the many technical and operational challenges that arose when the U.S. Government mandated local number portability. Today, we’re trusted on a much larger scale. We deliver addressing, interoperability, and infrastructure services worldwide to communication service providers, enterprises, associations, governments and regulatory agencies.

Barcodes Overview Presentation:




OpenOffice Extensions: Magenta 2D Barcode.

Magenta 2D Barcode

With this extension you can insert 2D barcode directly in text documents, spreadsheets and Base Forms.
Select the text and click the button or click the button and type the text.
Please note that selected text will be replaced with the image.

Operating System: System Independent
Compatible with: 2.1 | StarOffice 8 Update 5 or higher.
Version: 1.0.3
Date: 2010-Feb-18
Size: 26.14 KB
License: Opensource



The Bantus blog says: "We’ve got a new Mobile Friendly site! Scan the QR Code and check it out on your mobile phone."



Wanna PARTY?

How to promote a mobile web site:

Some frustration about non-pre-installed QR-Code readers on (elder) smart phones. Here is a funny comic, followed by instructions, how you can update

The fantastic QR Codes gallery


I also recommend to click on the "slide show" link of the page, top right.


QR-Codes: It's about being offline, and snapping a website link on the go.

Companies like Target, Best Buy, and eBay using QR codes will increase awareness first of 2D bar codes and QR codes and second of the ability/option to connect with online content through your phone.

eBay is promoting innovation in mobile commerce and becoming the de facto application for product search and scanning.

About eBay Inc. Mobile

eBay launched its first application for the iPhone in July 2008 and has since become a leader in mobile commerce. Its core iPhone application, which is available free via iTunes in eight languages and 190 countries, has been downloaded more than 10 million times and allows users to fully browse and buy without leaving the application. The eBay app for the iPad debuted in the top ten most downloaded free iPad apps in the iTunes Store and delivers a dramatically different, visually compelling shopping experience to browse and purchase the vast selection of products available on eBay. eBay’s suite of mobile apps, including Selling, Classifieds, StubHub and Deals, make selling and buying possible virtually anywhere, anytime. In 2009, eBay’s mobile gross merchandise volume (GMV) – the value of all goods sold – was more than $600 million. eBay expects to generate $1.5 billion in GMV through mobile commerce in 2010.

eBay Inc’s PayPal™ division has been delivering mobile payments since 2005 and has a mobile app for iPhone, Android and BlackBerry smartphones as well as SMS and WAP-based payments solutions. In 2009, $141 million in payments were transacted over PayPal’s mobile applications. PayPal launched a new version of its iPhone app in March 2010 that was downloaded more than a million times in the first three weeks.

For more information on eBay mobile, visit

QR Code is a registered trademark of Denso Wave Incorporated. All other designated trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners.

Forward Looking Statement

This announcement contains forward-looking statements relating to the future performance of eBay’s businesses that are based on its current expectations, forecasts and assumptions. These statements include, but are not limited to, statements regarding plans for the RedLaser application and future growth in mobile commerce. Those statements involve risks and uncertainties, and actual results may differ materially from those discussed. Factors that could cause or contribute to such differences include, but are not limited to, consumer acceptance and use of eBay’s mobile applications.

More information about potential factors which could affect our business and results is included in eBay’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2009, its Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, its Current Reports on Form 8-K, and other periodic filings. All forward-looking statements are based on information available to eBay on the date hereof, and eBay assumes no obligation to update such statements.

Source: eBay

eBay just licensed NeoMedia's mobile barcode scanning patents!


QR Codes (Matrix Codes)- Reality check

If you're like most people in North America, you probably won't know what the above image represents, even though it is the latest craze being promoted to print service providers and marketeers.

"Matrix Codes," most popularly known as QR or Quick Response codes are essentially bar codes like the ones printed on package goods that are scanned at the merchant's checkout counter. QR codes take the notion a step further because they enable print media and web-enabled mobile media to work together. A QR code is a high-density barcode readable by smart cell phones and simple PC cams. By pointing the camera at the QR symbol, an application on the phone, or PC, opens the individual’s mobile browser and instantly connects them to a designated Web page without them ever having to type in a URL or promotional code - they just point and go. By scanning the codes, one can not only access websites but images, personal information, make phone calls, play a video, and send text messages.

QR codes are already a big part of mobile culture in Japan (where the technology originated in 1994) and South Korea with some 40% of mobile users in Japan regularly using their mobile phones to scan QR codes in advertisements.The marketing opportunities enabled by QR codes are limitless.

Advertisers, publishers and brand owners can use QR codes to add interactivity to any print media. In Asia (and slowly in the rest of the world) they are being placed on just about everything you could imagine - and some you wouldn't think of, like tattoos and gravestones.

QR codes explained in a clip from the television show CSI: New York.

Here are just a few examples of where you can find QR codes being used today:

• Business cards
• Outdoor posters and signage
• Packaging
• Clothing
• Newspapers and magazines
• Point of purchase displays
• Event registration

The reality check - at least for North American marketeers

While there seems to be a great deal of enthusiasm for the potential applications of QR codes, the state of the technology in North America is akin to the state of the internet for people who don't have a computer, or who do have a computer but have no ISP access. Sure the technology is great, however, from a marketing point of view, you've got to be realistic about your audience.

Today, with QR codes, you're only broadcasting to a small minority of the market:

1) They must have a smart phone or a phone for which QR reader applications are available - not just a phone with a camera. Right away that eliminates some 75% of the cell phone using audience.

2) They must be aware of the significance and value of QR codes. Try asking the technophiles at any cell phone kiosk to see if they have any idea what a QR code is. So ignorance going to remove, IMHO, at least 90% of the 35% of the market that have smart phones. So now you're down to maybe 3% of the market

3) They must download and install the QR software. That's work which many people shy away from. So maybe that cuts out another 50% of the market. So now you are down to maybe 1-2% of the market being able to use QR codes.

4) From a marketing perspective, you have to ask what percentage of that 1-2% of the total market is made up of your target audience (e.g. print specifiers)? 1%, 10%, 50%? I doubt that it's even as much as 1%.

Using a message delivery system that, at best, is accessible by only 1-2% of the total market and likely .001% of a given target market is not a message delivery system that I would count on to deliver a measurable, let alone significant, marketing ROI.

So, use and promote QR codes - but don't expect them to deliver an ROI as an effective marketing/promotional media. At least not today. However, once QR readers are pre-installed on smart phones and the major brands bring more attention to the technology QR coding will rapidly move from hype to "must have."Fortunately, the cost of entry is zero. You can create your own QR Code for any website, short text message, or other information using any one of the free online code generators like the one available HERE.


Hi, Gordon. Really good post. Your caveats about user awareness, smartphone use and installed QR Code reader software are well taken. (Minor correction: Ordinary feature phones with Internet access CAN use 2D codes, but their smaller display sizes, lack of touchscreen UIs and poor multimedia performance make it more problematic than is the case with smartphones.)

The tipping point for this technology is coming sooner than many people expect. Android's and Nokia's default inclusion of reader software will be followed by Apple, HP/Palm and others. Different demographics will "get" the concept at different times, but the wave is most definitely coming.

The short-term fix for many QR Code campaigns is an action item -- usually based on SMS texting -- that lets the user easily install a reader for his or her particular phone. This need will go away eventually, but it has proven effective during the current "chicken-or-egg" stage of the trend.

The real issue is the quality of the mobile Web experience one experiences after scanning a code. Generating a QR Code (or any other type of 2D code) is only the beginning. If the Web landing page is not optimized for mobile devices, or if the overall mobile experience is not an engaging one, then potential customers will only be frustrated. Some companies have already figured this out. Check out Warbasse Design ( for some really good examples of how the print-to-mobile (or even TV-to-mobile) experience can benefit a marketing campaign.

It's a brave new world -- again.
July 23, 2010 10:04 AM