The subject, respectively, the contents of my last comment was posted in the official Telnic forum, and Telnic consulted. The gesture was night. This morning, I see that the Tread, the two post had been deleted kurzerhanbd.
So, I think, is absolutely not the solution, if you evade, and even deletes threads, which simply ask for an opinion.
Deleted from this thread, have at least 20 forum attendees note.
You remember perhaps the Domainauktionator "SnapNames, who was involved in a fraud scandal, because of insider trading: He just joined the flight to the front, made comments, all informed, and bar compensation payments. And instead of that the company had to close because of the scandal, they could further transactions, and exists even today.
The Taktikt of Telnic is easy to conceal, to hide, withdraw, and asked for comments, and avoid confrontations.
It takes me wonder whether something can all go well, or whether such behavior and reaction, not even once be a step toward the abyss.
It was by the same thread that one poster said, that he was of the opinion that know a lot of dot-Tel prospects that occurred at Telnic some problem cases, but that well-known companies like Microsoft or Apple, etc., already had their problems, and that that just ebem occur. Nevertheless, he would be happy if the Telnic could take my speech position.
But, as I said, responding Telnic single axle with deletion of new threads, which include "sensitive" questions. In real case, so such a discussion would go to senior management so that they can take note of it. Instead, the censorship is already done by Telnic Forum Moderator, and withheld information to the other forum visitors. Well, yes: There are not many forums more visitors, in Telnic forum: Typically, 0-3 members, and about 5 or 6 guests.
Also the way in which Telnic respond to requests for comment, is not a good sign. This company has grown to be publicly purchased during the entire time since the Tel-domain, expressed behave clumsily. Everything else, as a professional. A company that is going on in each case such amateurish, has a serious problem. And can the recruitment of a new marketing director, who has neither "pip pap has said" do not change, too.
Shame for Telnic, which is to be regretted. Telnic, is a troubled company that makes most everything wrong. And not in a position to stop the sinking of their ship, as the "leak" is relatively small. The Titanic is therefore set, all because they considered unsikbar. Error. Ships are not unsinkable. And every company is highly susceptible to disasters when they do not properly respond to serious problems.
Telnic is, so to survive under the existing management, not simply.
As it would have tremendous change much, and inform the public what is going on. Nowadays, one can only survive with transparency and transactions.
Whether customers or shareholders: It informs his powers on the state of things, and do not just constantly patronized, controlled, deceived, ignored and will censor.
The Dot-Tel retro look, and the business practices of the Telnic remember, even the old Soviet era, and have nothing to do with contemporary design, or management.
I'm afraid I only Telnic the pace of the best know of the deficit and the lack, is hard to catch up and change are.
In many of her views, I showed Telnic previously unteachable what As for criticism or proposed amendments or changes. If you like: Something stuck and unteachable.
Telnic seems to have no one who has the right experience in running a company: it consists entirely of directors, of which some, mere beneficiaries are, and nothing to contribute to the company.
It is now clear to me why so many are former dot-Tel-holders refused to renew their domains.
I, for my part, should now let loose, and just watch what so running with the dot-tel domain, and with iher Registry ".
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12 years ago
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